Cork Spray is a green building product. It is made from natural and plant based materials unlike other architectural coatings that are cement based.
Cork Spray contains 80% cork
granules that form the base of this material. These cork granules come from the bark of Cork oak trees that are mainly found in Portugal, Spain and some parts of the north western Africa. Worldwide there are around 2.2 million hectares of cork forests.
34% in Portugal and 27% in Spain. Other countries that
also contribute to Cork
production are Morocco,
Algeria, Tunisia, Italy, and
The bark of these trees are harvested sustainably under strict guidelines as recommended in Sustainable
Forest Management practices. Not a single tree is cut
down completely ever for the purpose of extracting the
raw material. The bark of the cork tree regrows every 9 years and the trees last at least for 250 years.
Every year there are thousands of new Cork Oak Trees
planted for the purpose of production of the raw
material for this fantastic architectural coating.
Coverlink carefully selects only the best section of the
harvested bark that has a consistent colour and
superior natural properties to perform at its best.
These cork granules are then mixed with water based resins and organic fillers and natural polymers
along with some proprietary admixtures invented by
The mixture is then packed in 12 Kg pails ready to mix and prepare at site. Cork Spray inks are specially
made to withstand UV radiation and are required to
be mixed just before application on the site.